CIOS Honor Roll (Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
An introduction to all things optimization for students in the Masters of Quantitative and Computational Finance (QCF) at Georgia Tech. Topics include convexity, linear programming, duality, and a tasting of nonlinear/robust/stochastic/integer optimization.
Introduction to optimization modeling and algorithms for industrial engineering undergraduates.
A "by researchers, for researchers" introduction to computational tools in optimization, data science and machine learning. Covered topics include R and the tidyverse, Julia and JuMP, and useful extras like designing an academic website and using high-performance computing servers.
A gentle introduction to computing tools in optimization and data science for undergraduates majoring in business analytics.
In-depth PhD course on the theory and applications of discrete optimization.
Develops models and tools of data analytics that are used to transform businesses and industries, using examples and case studies in e-commerce, healthcare, social media, high technology, criminal justice, the internet, and beyond.