About me

I am an assistant professor at Georgia Tech, in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE).

My research focuses on marketplace and public sector operations. On the marketplace side, I am interested in data-driven decision-making, including experimentation and pricing. On the public sector side, I collaborate with K-12 school districts to solve complex problems at the frontier of optimization and policy. Some past projects include redesigning school bus routes in Boston, public school schedules in San Francisco, and course timetables at MIT.

Prior to joining ISyE, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Lyft Rideshare Labs. I completed my PhD at the MIT Operations Research Center in 2021. I also spent time as a research intern at Google on the Operations Research team.

Recent News

02/2025 Our paper with Dimitris Bertsimas and Jean Pauphilet on adaptive optimization for regression with missing data is accepted at Machine Learning.

02/2025 Our paper with Zhen Lian and Sebastien Martin on interactive optimization for school schedules is accepted at Management Science.

10/2024 I presented about experimentation under interference and public school operations at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle.